The img-zoom Element

The img-zoom element represents an image that can be enlarged to fill the screen on demand.

Apples and such arranged on a table.
      alt="Apples and such arranged on a table."


You can import through CDN:

<script type="module" src=""></script>

Or, you may install through NPM and include it as part of your build process:

$ npm i @auroratide/img-zoom
import '@auroratide/img-zoom/lib/define.js'


img-zoom is an inline markup element that you can use in your HTML document. It must have exactly one child which is either an img element or a picture element with a fallback img defined.

Using img:

   <img src="fruit.png" alt="Apples and such arranged on a table." width="1920" height="1470" />

Using picture:

      <source srcset="fruit.webp" type="image/webp" />
      <img src="fruit.png" alt="Apples and such arranged on a table." width="1920" height="1470" />

This demo uses the picture element.

Apples and such arranged on a table.

Disabling Interaction

The disabled attribute disables zoom interaction. Not super sure if this is useful, but the feature's there just in case.

<img-zoom disabled>
   <img src="fruit.png" alt="" />


Since it's Just HTMLTM, you can use good ol' CSS.

img-zoom {
	box-shadow: 0 0 0.5em 0.5em oklch(0% 0 0 / 0.33);


This custom element is built with accessibility in mind! It treats the zoomed image like a dialog.

  • Keyboard operation
    • When the image has focus, Enter will open the zoomed image.
    • When opened, focus is automatically placed on a Close button that will close the zoomed image.
    • Escape will also exit the zoomed image.
  • Tab trapping: While zoomed, the tabbing order will remain within the image until dismissed.
  • Reduced Motion: The animation is simplified for people who prefer reduced motion.